Berangkatlah dalam petualangan bergaya di mana Anda membantu teman-teman terbaik Anda memperbarui lemari pakaian mereka dengan gaun pinafore trendi. Sesuaikan setiap detail dari bentuk hingga kain, dan berpakaianlah model Anda dengan kreasi fesyen terbaru!
Buat gaun pinafore unik Anda sendiri dengan memilih dari berbagai bentuk, warna, dan cetakan.
Pilih dari berbagai kain dan tekstur untuk menambahkan kedalaman dan minat pada desain gaun Anda.
Tingkatkan gaun Anda dengan fitur praktis seperti ritsleting dan elemen dekoratif seperti kancing untuk melengkapi visi fesyen Anda.
Setelah gaun Anda dirancang, berpakaianlah model Anda dengan aksesoris dan pose untuk memamerkan kreasi fesyen Anda kepada dunia!
I love the creative freedom in choosing the pinafore shape and prints! It's like having my own little fashion studio.
The option to add textures and details like zippers and buttons really makes the dress come to life!
I had so much fun customizing the dress and then styling the model. It's like playing dress-up for adults!
The variety of pre-made prints is fantastic. I found a unique combination that I can't wait to show off.
I'm amazed at how realistic the fabric textures look. It's like touching the dress through the screen!
Adding the zipper was such a fun detail! It gives the dress a modern edge that I love.
The button customization options are endless. I spent hours experimenting with different shapes and sizes!
I can't believe how much variety there is in the game. Every time I play, I come up with a new, unique pinafore dress.
The game is a perfect blend of creativity and fun. It's like a fashion class where I get to be the designer!